ACRL ULS Evidence-Based Practices- at ALA Midwinter

What: ACRL ULS Evidence-Based Practices Discussion Group

When: Sunday, January 27th, 2013 10:30 – 11:30 AM

Where: Washington State Convention Center, TCC LL2

Are you trying to figure out how to improve your library? Do you have local assessment data but it’s not doing what you need? Have you been reading articles that have helped make a difference in your decision-making?

A few ULS members have annotated a set of articles that describe or define evidence-based librarianship. We will use these articles as a jumping off point for discussion at ALA midwinter. Please join us to talk about the best ways of doing research and finding information that helps you improve the practical working of your library.

Some articles for background information:

Annotated select bibliography:


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