Reference Through Social Media

Reference Through Social Media: Developing Standards, Guidelines, and Policies
with Sarah Steiner
3-week facilitated eCourse
Beginning Monday, June 3, 2013
Too often, chat, social media, and text-based reference services operate without standards and policies. This eCourse will guide you in writing useful, concise, legally-sound standards and guidelines for providing reference through social media.
Learning outcomes include:
• Understanding key legal concepts that underlie virtual reference and social media policies
• Ability to implement organizational practices that support high-level service
• How to communicate in an approachable and professional manner via social media
Sarah Steiner is the Social Work and Virtual Services Librarian at Georgia State University Library in Atlanta. She is a leader in the library’s social media outreach, coordinating, assessing, and regularly staffing the library’s chat and text-message reference service.